The following position statements are provided for historical purposes only.

The original AASV position on Anti-Abuse Statements was approved by the AASV Board of Directors on October 1, 2008. It was replaced by the Anti-Abuse Position Statements on March 30, 2015 and April 3, 2018. The current AASV Anti-Abuse Position Statement was approved by the AASV Board of Directors on September 30, 2021.

AASV Anti-Abuse Position Statement (2018)

Willful acts of neglect or abuse are unacceptable and are not tolerated. Willful abuse and neglect are defined as acts outside accepted production practices that intentionally cause pain and suffering including, but not limited to:

  • Intentionally applying prods to sensitive parts of the animal such as the eyes, ears, nose, genitals or rectum. Excessive prod use could qualify as a willful act of abuse. 
  • Malicious hitting/beating of an animal. This includes forcefully striking an animal with closed fist, foot, handling equipment (e.g. sorting board, rattle paddle, etc.), or other hard/solid objects that can cause pain, bruising or injury.
  • Driving pigs off high ledges, platforms or steps while moving, loading or unloading (animals are falling to the ground).
  • Dragging of conscious animals by any part of their body except in the rare case where a non-ambulatory animal must be moved from a life threatening situation. Non-ambulatory pigs may be moved by using a drag mat.
  • Purposefully dropping or throwing animals.
  • Causing physical damage to the snout or tusks of a boar as a means to reduce aggression (this excludes nose ringing and tusk trimming).
  • Failure to provide food, water and care that results in significant harm or death to animals. This includes the intentional failure to provide food, water or care that falls outside of normal husbandry practices and would reasonably be considered neglect.

Approved by the AASV Board of Directors on April 3, 2018


AASV Anti-Abuse Position Statement (2015)

Willful acts of neglect or abuse are unacceptable and are not tolerated. Willful abuse and neglect are defined as acts outside accepted production practices that intentionally cause pain and suffering including, but not limited to:

  • Intentionally applying prods to sensitive parts of the animal such as the eyes, ears, nose, genitals or rectum.
  • Malicious hitting/beating of an animal.
  • Purposeful failure to provide minimal food, water and care that results in significant harm or death to animals.

Approved by the AASV Board of Directors on March 30, 2015


AASV Position Statement: Anti-Abuse Statements (2008)

The AASV Pig Welfare Committee presented recommendations to the AASV Board of Directors for preparing anti-abuse statements for use on farms. The board considered the recommendations and approved the following policy statement:

The AASV Board encourages veterinarians to continue to assist their clients in developing policies for appropriate animal well-being and correction of potential abuse, cruelty, and neglect.

Approved by the AASV Board of Directors, October 1, 2008