AASV 2021 Program Planning Committee
The 2021 Scientific Program Planning Committee is led by AASV President-elect and Program Chair, Dr. Mary Battrell. The committee meets in May to begin development of the conference program, which will be published online in October.
Mary Battrell, Program Chair
Angela Baysinger
Melissa Billing
Marie Culhane
Jessica Davenport
Kate Dion
Kevin Eggers
Dwain Guggenbiller
Jeff Harker
Clayton Johnson
Locke Karriker
Brent Pepin
Meghann Pierdon
Mike Pierdon
Sarah Probst Miller
Chris Rademacher
Rebecca Robbins
Jessica Seate
Mike Senn
Michelle Sprague
Blaine Tully
Patrick Webb
Nathan Winkelman
Paul Yeske